Volume- 8
Issue- 4
Year- 2021
DOI: 10.21276/ijirem.2021.8.4.1 | DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.21276/ijirem.2021.8.4.1 Crossref
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Laisa Prata Moreira Fernandes , Yasmim Vilela Fraga Vieira, João Victor Jobim de Souza e Silva, Hans Schmidt Santos, Vânia Regina de Oliveira Branco
This work presents the analysis of the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly (SAMA) based on historical data of the total magnetic field in the interval 1590-2021. The study is carried out in a quadrant with longitude ranging from -90 degrees to +60 degrees and latitude ranging from -60 degrees to +30 degrees with points collected every 5 degrees, using the IGRF and Gufm1 models. Data processing is performed in the Oasis Montaj software through minimum curvature interpolation, it generating six maps of the Earth's geomagnetic field. The maps show the SAMA displacement south-west from Africa towards South America, moving 7,860 km between 1590 and 2021 with an average rate of 18 km/year of advance.
In the present work, the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly was described and analyzed by means of historical data from the IGRF and Gufm1 models, from the year 1590 to the current year. The analysis of the maps allowed us to visualize the displacement of the anomaly in the Atlantic Ocean, it leaving Africa towards South America. In addition, displacement rates and annual variations in the anomaly intensity were calculated, it showing that it weakened in all periods studied. Analyzing the intervals, the largest displacement of the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly was observed in the interval 1821-1921, in which there was a displacement of 23,127 km. Furthermore, the greatest drop in magnetic field intensity in this same time interval was found, with a value of 3,192 nT. A suggestion for future work, a mapping of the total magnetic field of the entire globe may be carried out, as this will allow evaluating the behavior of the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly on a smaller scale. It is also suggested to analyze the X, Y and Z components of the total magnetic field in the same intervals studied in this work, as it will enable the analysis of the contributions of each component in the observed variations.
Scientific Initiation Student, Instituto Nossa Senhora da Glória, Macaé, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
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Tainá de Melo Ribeiro, Maria Julia Siqueira Ferreira dos Santos, Brenda Pinto Muniz, Hans Schmidt Santos, Alice Dames Vieira.
May 2021 - Vol 8, Issue 3