Volume- 2
Issue- 4
Year- 2015
Dr. Nasser Fegh-hi Farahmand , Dr. P Prakash , Nasrin Fegh-hi Farahmand
The basic methodologies for workers are then explained and their limitations are considered. The humanly of managing human resources participation revolution moves recording and analysis activities that traditionally professional performance lines of activities focused to high operational content. The scientific and humanly of managing human resources participation progress, growth and internationalization of markets, processors are processes in which the accounting profession plays a leading role of humanly of managing human resources participation. The form and structure of an organization's human resources system can affect employee motivation levels in several ways. Organizations can adopt various humanly of managing human resources participation human ware empowerment practices to enhance employee satisfaction. This paper considers the humanly of managing human resources participation. The strategic importance of workers is discussed and their interaction, as an asset, with other important organization assets. There has been a longstanding bifurcation between the two with emotions labeled in pejorative terms and devalued in matters concerning the workplace.
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Department of Management, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran e-mail: farahmand@iaut.ac.ir
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