International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering and Management
Year: 2015, Volume: 2, Issue: 5
First page : ( 65) Last page : ( 70)
Online ISSN : 2350-0557.
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A. C. Nascimento , J. V. Moreira
The zeta potential is the electric potential near the surface of a particle in suspension. It is a way of quantifying the loading of the fibers, indicating the adsorption capacity of the fiber and if the additive was really adsorbed. Thus, one can predict stability of colloidal suspensions. The best retention of colloidal particles in a papermaking occurs when the zeta potential is near zero. Paper recycling is the use of waste paper to produce new roles, and has important environmental and social contribution. The objective is to form sheets with different percentages of recycled fiber and control the zeta potential to check its influence on the physical and mechanical properties. Sheets were formed using short fiber (Eucalyptus) and recycled (paper) and the zeta potential was controlled with the use of aluminum polychloride. Sheets were obtained in laboratory former, and kept in a controlled environment for realization of physical-mechanical tests. Tests for burst and tensile index showed better formation and resistance with the control of zeta potential and increased significantly with higher recycled paper. Tear index not followed a trend presenting distinct behavior with the use of aluminum polychloride. The zeta-potential have influence on the physico-mechanical properties of the paper, since it retains the colloidal particles, and these in turn, improve sheet formation.
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Chemical Engineering School Faculty of Telemaco Borba – FATEB Telemaco Borba, Brazil
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