Volume- 4
Issue- 4
Year- 2017
DOI: 10.21276/ijirem.2017.4.4.3 | DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.21276/ijirem.2017.4.4.3 Crossref
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Orlando Moreira Guedes , Pablo Vinicius silva de Paula, Dimas Pereira Lima
The need to search for alternative sources of energy is increasingly evident, in this context, this work presents a solution based on renewable energy by means of photovoltaic panels for electric power supply in residence of the multi-family type. The energy supply is obtained by the local utility that is connected to the (SIN) National Interconnected System, with a strong predominance in conventional energy sources. The proposed photovoltaic system is grid-tie type (connected to the grid) composed by photovoltaic (PV) generator and inverter (DC / AC). Residential microgeneration has its centralized installation location, with capacity to power other consumer units using the energy compensation benefit. The objective is to propose a solar generation system with topology favorable to the reduction of the cost of implantation when compared to the traditional individual systems presenting the technical and economic viability.
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Junior Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Fluminense Federal University / UFF/, Volta Redonda, Brazil,
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