Toxicity Study of Zooplanktons, Mixed Zooplanktons and Neuston of Rapti River Against Heavy Metals
Bhesh Raj Chaudari , Dr. Arun Kumar, Dr S.K. Shukla
The present study investigate that the Rapti river environment does not seem to be heavily contaminated with heavy metals, at least at the zooplankton level. Available result of present investigation shows that the concentrations of copper were in the same order of magnitude as the copper levels from different and similar climatic regions. The minimum and maximum value of zinc concentrations in both mixed zooplankton and neuston were considerably lower than in comparable aqua environments. The lowest concentrations of lead, measured both in mixed zooplankton and neuston, were lower than that of other tropical regions. The mean concentrations of cadmium were lower than those reported elsewhere but comparable within the Rapti river.
Pond Zooplanktons, Toxicity, Heavy Metals
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Cites this article as
B. R. Chaudari, D. A. Kumar, D. S. Shukla,
"Toxicity Study of Zooplanktons, Mixed Zooplanktons and Neuston of Rapti River Against Heavy Metals", International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Management (IJIREM), Vol-8, Issue-3, Page No-45-48, 2021. Available from:
Corresponding Author
Bhesh Raj Chaudari
Research Scholar, Glocal School of Allied & Health Sciences, Glocal University, Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India (