Volume- 9
Issue- 2
Year- 2022
DOI: 10.55524/ijirem.2022.9.2.2 | DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.55524/ijirem.2022.9.2.2 Crossref
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Shahnawaz Shah , Ravinder Pal Singh, Dr. Monika Mehra, Dr. Jasmeen Gill
The recommendation system in communication network plays an important role to recommend the end user for their choices, while analysing the browsing patterns it forecasts user’s preferences for the thing. To facilitate required useable contents and information from the web data and to increase the system performance in hilly and mountain terrain areas where there are lots of communication network challenges, the data munging based on collaborative filtering technique is employed. To provide easy operations on e-commerce sites, online shopping sites and online income sites; the proposed recommendation system delivers better results in term of accuracy while considering high network congestion, channel traffic rate, SDCCH (Standalone Dedicated Control Channel) block calls sites, cell use, SDCCH dropping percentage, TCH (Traffic Channel) drop, handover, total cell derivatives, total site calls and losing sites.
M. Tech Scholar, Department of Electronics Communication & Engineering, RIMT University, Mandi Gobindgarh, Punjab, India
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