Volume- 4
Issue- 5
Year- 2017
DOI: 10.21276/ijirem.2017.4.5.2 | DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.21276/ijirem.2017.4.5.2 Crossref
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MsC. Orlando Moreira Guedes Junior , Master. Ana Carolina Xaves Ferreira Guedes
This work presented an analysis of the economic feasibility of the use of photovoltaic and photothermic systems, reconciled with market technology in a 110m² residence, composed of 09 rooms, located in Porto Real, southern Rio de Janeiro state, with the purpose of comparing and clarify the best cost and benefit of both acquisitions. In order to evaluate the applicability, it was considered the individual implantation of the photovoltaic cell and reconciled with solar water heater. For the development of the study, an exploratory quantitative applied research was carried out, using as a procedure a case study with the residence energy analysis, object of study (characterization of the residential consumer load and design of the photovoltaic system and solar collector). Through the collected data it was possible to raise the cost and expenses involved for both presented scenarios and to carry out the economic viability analysis. The definition of solar supply systems and methods of investment analysis was carried out through bibliographic research. In order to assist in decision making, we used the methods of analysis of Internal Rate of Return (TIR), Net Present Value (VPL) and Payback
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Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Fluminense Federal University / UFF /, Volta Redonda, Brazil,
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Orlando Moreira Guedes , Jose Adilson de Castro .
July 2017 - Vol 4, Issue 4