Volume- 9
Issue- 1
Year- 2022
DOI: 10.55524/ijirem.2022.9.1.6 | DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.55524/ijirem.2022.9.1.6
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Muneer Ahmad Dar
With advancement in electronic circuitry, efforts are made to minimize chip size and to attain the desired performance so on changing one parameter the other parameters are effected like variables of field effect transistor like length and width are key variables available to the circuit designer to optimize circuit performance .When in FET’s like CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor) the dimensions are decreased, the short channel effect arises and creates a problem of concern. With this effect an exponential increase in the leakage current happens. In order to reduce the SCE and hence leakage current, a new technology came into being in recent years in which a 3D multiple gate CMOS like FinFet (Fin Field Effect Transistor) has been developed which possess advantages over conventional FET’s and has attracted many engineers and designers to make it more sophisticated. This technology works in the nano meter range to minimize short channel effects. Many companies like Intel, advanced micro device, global foundries have started using FinFet technology. I have carried out my work on the basis of current researches on FinFet technology and how FinFet technology can be used in future to design new logic and memory devices like Inverter, MUX etc. Various parameters of FinFet like reduced short channel effects, less leakage current, low power consumption, less propagation delay and less time delay are discussed. Various mathematical models and software were used to simulate power, delay, power delay product, average power dissipation and energy delay products, this technology was designed to eliminate the problem of SCE by permitting transistors to be scaled down into sub 20nm range. Use of PMT model to design different logic devices at 16nm technology and analyzed output of each circuit. Parameters like Power dissipation, time delay and PDP were compared between MOSFET (CMOS) technology and FinFet technology for each circuit.
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M. Tech. Research Scholar, Department of Electrical Engineering, RIMT University Gobindgarh, Punjab, India (muneerahmad98788@gmail.com)
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