Discrimination Between Normal And Diseased Stomach Using Speckle Imaging
A.M. Hamed Physics
We investigate the Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)using the speckle imaging. The speckle images are computed from the convolution product of Fourier transform of the diffuser and Fourier spectrum of the original image. In addition, contour and digital images are given. This study is made since this disease is still affect a great cluster of peoples in the developed countries. The Mat- Lab code is used for the computation of speckle and other images.
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A. H. P.
"Discrimination Between Normal And Diseased Stomach Using Speckle Imaging", International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Management (IJIREM), Vol-3, Issue-2, Page No-125-133, 2016. Available from:
Corresponding Author
A.M. Hamed Physics
Department, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University, Cairo, 11566, Egypt