Volume- 2
Issue- 4
Year- 2015
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Dr.T.Abirami , D.Evangeline
Continuous aggregation is required in sensor applications to obtain the temporal variation information of aggregates. It helps the users to understand how the environment changes over time. A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a energy and security constraint network. Clustering is used for load balance to extend the lifetime of a sensor network by reducing energy consumption .In the existing secure aggregation scheme, once the cluster heads are attacked by malicious attacker, compromised nodes in the network will forge false values as the aggregation results of other nodes and it does not balance the load among clusters so it provide less throughput. Tricking the base station into accepting false aggregation results in networks is envisioned to be economic solutions to many important applications. Energy efficient load balancing algorithm is proposed to balance the load among the clusterby using some backup nodes. This approach will increase the network lifetime, high throughput and avoid overload by distributing work among identical type of sensor nodes with energy and security efficient routes. In the continuous aggregation, the adversary could manipulate a series of aggregation results through compromised nodes to fabricate false temporal variation patterns of the aggregates. To make the aggregates more effective the data packets are transmitted in a secure manner by using the digital signature cryptosystem
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Assistant Professor (SRG), Department of IT, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai
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