International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering and Management
Year: 2016, Volume: 3, Issue: 4
First page : ( 369) Last page : ( 374)
Online ISSN : 2350-0557.
Seyed Mohammad Kamel Hosseini , Mohammad Bazmara
This study aims to investigate the rate of quality orientation of staff and its impact on improving quality of services in banks and institutions. For this purpose, quality orientation of employees has been designed based on the theory of Doctor Iraj Soltani in seven dimensions of customer-orientation, innovation and creativity, permanent attitude to the ideal situation, beauty and aesthetics, patience, teamwork and goal orientation while services quality has been introduced based on Parasuraman theory in five aspects of Trust, accountability, assurance, being tangible and this context, two main hypotheses and seven secondary hypotheses have been designed.The statistical population of present research is 382 employees of Benevolent youth Gharzolhasaneh institute in Branches of East Azerbaijan province, Iran. The sample size using Cochran formula has been estimated to be 192 people and it has been selected by stratified random sampling method.Means of Data collection was a questionnaire which has been set with regard to the operational definition of quality orientation based on the theory of the Doctor Iraj Soltani and quality of services by Parasuraman theory. The questionnaires were distributed among studied community after investigating their validity and reliability.Questionnaires were collected and data were summarized, classified and using descriptive and inferential statistics including (t-test, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Pearson r, Spearman and regression by SPSS) were analyzed. The results indicate that the quality orientation of employees is effective on improving the quality in services of Benevolent youth Gharzolhasaneh institute in Branches of East Azerbaijan province.
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