Jitter Analysis for Moving Vehicle in IEEE 802.11 Ad Hoc Scenario
Kanika Garg , Ruby Singh, Pramod Kumar Sagar
Jitter is used to calculate the variation of packet transmission time between two communicating devices or nodes. A high deviation of packet receiving time either in terms of early receiving or late receiving of packet may create problem for storage or waiting time respectively. Here we assume two moving vehicles run in the city with a constant speed, they communicate through a metropolitan access network using the video conferencing service. A high delay of packet transmission between them may disturb their communication. Here we analyze the performance of DSDV, AODV and DSR routing protocols in IEEE 802.11 environment with moving nodes.
Jitter, IEEE 802.16, AODV,DSDV and DSR
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Cites this article as
K. Garg, R. Singh, P. K. Sagar,
"Jitter Analysis for Moving Vehicle in IEEE 802.11 Ad Hoc Scenario", International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Management (IJIREM), Vol-2, Issue-3, Page No-53-55, 2015. Available from:
Corresponding Author
Kanika Garg
Assistant Professor, Dept of IT, SRM University, NCR Campus Modinagar kanikagarg.kg@gmail.com