International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering and Management
Year: 2020, Volume: 7, Issue: 2
First page : ( 10) Last page : ( 16)
Online ISSN : 2350-0557.
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P. Ravindranath , M. S. Krishna , Y. M. Naidu
Total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHC) and their seasonal variability are investigated in the coastal region influenced by industrial effluent discharge on the central east coast of India to study TPHC pollution in the coastal oceans. Our results suggest that the study region is not significantly polluted by TPHC during either pre-monsoon or post-monsoon seasons even with the release of treated effluent of ~305 MLD per week from 10 pharmaceutical and 1 textile industries. It could be due to relatively less TPHC input from industrial effluents and/or a better dilution of industrial effluents by the prevailing coastal currents and circulation. This study provides the first ever baseline dataset on TPHC in the coastal region impacted by industrial effluent release. These results can be used to understand the impact of industrial effluent in the coastal regions, and for formulating the strategies for release of industrial effluents into sea by the policy makers.
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Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board, Visakhapatnam, India
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