Study on Behavior of RCC Beam Column Joint With Special Confinement Subjected To Static Loading Numerical Investigation
Prabu N , Dr.Kandasmy S
In all the framed structures particularly high rise buildings, beam column joints are the vulnerable portion when subjected to seismic loads. Its ductility and also the shear strength parameter influence the withstand ability against the seismic attack. It gives a significant knowledge about seismic performances of the structure.
This present study helps to provide an importance about the ductility and shear strength of the steel and also gives the variation in shear strength and deformations with the different provision of transverse reinforcement. Using finite element method, software called ANSYS was used to carry out the linear elastic analysis.
Special Confinement, Transverse Reinforcement,Seismic loads & Ductility
[Prabu N , Dr.Kandasmy S (2015) Study on Behavior of RCC Beam Column Joint With Special Confinement Subjected To Static Loading Numerical Investigation] (ISSN 2347 - 5552).
Prabu N
PG Scholar Department of Civil Engineering (S) Government College of Technology, Coimbatore