International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering and Management
Year: 2017, Volume: 4, Issue: 4
First page : ( 671) Last page : ( 678)
Online ISSN : 2350-0557.
DOI: 10.21276/ijirem.2017.4.4.2 |
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Orlando Moreira Guedes , Jose Adilson de Castro
This paper aims to present a study of the development of a dynamic model based on theories of PID control (proportional, integral and derivative) and optimization to evaluate the integrated performance of the energy generation and storage system. The hybrid system consists of photovoltaic (PV) generator, water generator (GH) and fuel cell (FC), connected to a DC (direct current) bus. A converter (DC / AC) is used between the bus and the load to transform the energy into acceptable levels of consumption. Minimum conditions of interruption and voltage level within the specified range are indispensable conditions for the supply of electric energy. In order to overcome the inadequacies of the architecture such as the low irradiation incident on the modules and / or reduction of the hydraulic flow, a closed loop controller is connected to the fuel cell, guaranteeing the performance of the assembly. The analysis of the results will be presented using the SCILAB / SCICOS computational tool. The functional procedure used to describe the behavior of the process consists of the simulation of the input variables (generating power ratings) in the DC bus and the output variable (total power supplied to the load).
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Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Fluminense Federal University / UFF/, Volta Redonda, Brazil,
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MsC. Orlando Moreira Guedes Junior , Master. Ana Carolina Xaves Ferreira Guedes.
September 2017 - Vol 4, Issue 5