Volume- 4
Issue- 1
Year- 2017
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Prof Dr. C. Karthikeyan
Millennials are children born between 1980 and before 1995(considered as of now) who are now in the industrial scenario as new age work force after Generation X. Their parents focus on giving a stable sustainable personal growth structure by planning every activity since their school and encourage to take risks to learn and adhere to required demands of new digital world. They possess very high self-esteem and know or aware of the world that is fuelled with technology. Millennial never believe statements saying that the world was not having the digital devices like computers, network protocols, digital transformation of information and networked world. They absolutely fit for the high tech digital connectivity in the world and wiered of sentiments in work culture. Any new normal situations in the world of work is simple for them to understand and more career oriented than a loyal employee for the organisation whats so ever the organisation promises or delivers or holds a brand name. They keep moving on and sustaining even for a limited period is going to be a big challenge for organisations in time to come. Any Strategic HR policies how ever immune are to be tested in time to come. Success of organisations will be dictated by these millennial mindsets.
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Director-ASB, MBA Department, Adithya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
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