An Accurate Finite-Difference Method for 1-D Wave Problem Based on a Pre-Concerted Grid
Valmir BAME , Lulezim HANELLI
An accurate numerical method is proposed for the solution of 1-D initial-boundary value wave problem. It is of finite-difference type, where a pre-concerted grid is constructed using a specific time discretization. The ultimate goal is the minimizing of global error. Keeping of the stability-accuracy balance is the key element of the new proposal. It is particularly useful in case of large integration domains. The most important part of the method is implemented and tested in Matlab, and the results are compared with those of classic difference method.
Initial-boundary value wave problem, Triangle of determinacy, Stability limit, Stability threshold, Non-uniform grid.
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V. BAME, L. H. ,
"An Accurate Finite-Difference Method for 1-D Wave Problem Based on a Pre-Concerted Grid", International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Management (IJIREM), Vol-6, Issue-5, Page No-44-49, 2019. Available from:
Corresponding Author
Valmir BAME
Department of Mathematics, University "Aleksander Moisiu", Durres, Albania,