Volume- 9
Issue- 1
Year- 2022
DOI: 10.55524/ijirem.2022.9.1.39 | DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.55524/ijirem.2022.9.1.39
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Khyati Varshney , Kirti Mishra
beet root (Beta vulgaris L.), also acknowledged as chuk&er, is renowned due to its sweetness; it has higher sugar content but is low in calories. Beetroot is classified botanically as a herbaceous biennial of Chenopodiaceae family. Fresh beets provide a nutritional benefit in form of ir green tops, which are high in beta-carotene, iron, & calcium. It essentially refers to cool-season vegetable crops that are produced all over globe. Beetroot is rich in antioxidants & minerals such as potassium magnesium, betalaine, , vitamin C, & sodium, & comes in a variety of hues ranging from yellow to red in bulb. Beetroots with a deep red hue are most widespread for human consumption, both cooked & raw in salads & juices. Carotenoids, saponins, betacyanines, betanin, polyphenols, & flavonoids are active chemicals found in beets. As a result, beetroot consumption may be regarded a cancer-prevention strategy. Betacyanins & betaxanthins are most common betalains found in beetroot. Betalains are a dietary supplement used to prevent & cure hypertension & cardiovascular disease. y have antibacterial & antiviral properties, as well as ability to suppress cell growth in human carcinoma cells. Osmotic dehydration may also be used to make beetroot c&y, which can be used in bread goods, confectionery, & ice creams, among or things.
Assistant Professor, School of Medical and Allied Sciences, Sanskriti University, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh
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