International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering and Management
Year: 2020, Volume: 7, Issue: 3
First page : ( 25) Last page : ( 31)
Online ISSN : 2350-0557.
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Ankur Daksh , Manoj Kumar
Blockchain technology has been referred to as a digital currency platform since the emergence of Bitcoin, the primary and the largest of the cryptocurrencies. Formerly, it's used for the decentralization of markets more generally, not exclusively for the decentralization of cash and payments. The decentralized transaction ledger of blockchain might be employed to register, confirm, and send all types of contracts to other parties in the network. During this paper, we thoroughly review state-of-the art blockchain-related applications emerged within the literature. A number of published works were carefully included supported their contributions to the blockchain’s body of data.
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Student, Department of Computer Application, International Institute for Special Education, Lucknow, India
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