International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering and Management
Year: 2018, Volume: 5, Issue: 3
First page : ( 99) Last page : ( 104)
Online ISSN : 2350-0557.
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Dr. K. R. Subramanian
In the new era of business, Consumers make use of their instant connectivity to create a vast and efficient network of information that shapes and steers experiences and markets. Sum total of such cumulative and consistent experiences result in shaping consumer behavior towards your products and services. In the current ‘constantly on’ networked consumer society and groups, this is critical for the success of your products. Consumer experiences, network of communications from peer groups and the World Wide Web shape behavior. This reminds us of the ‘always on’ consumer groups – particularly the millennial group. The future of business, the people we are trying to reach, the Consumers, often niches, promotion and markets are converging – the medium and the message. The difference is between “market driven and marketing driven”. It is the collective voice of the people who share messages and impressions of your product and service that count. The companies that understand this social change will be successful.
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Professor of Management & Senior advisor – Operations Management,
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