Volume- 8
Issue- 6
Year- 2021
DOI: 10.55524/ijirem.2021.8.6.210 | DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.55524/ijirem.2021.8.6.210
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Dr. Sandeep Kumar , Aashima Sharma, Priyanka Prajapati
With each every day, the number of people using cellphones grows. In India, the rise of cellular subscriptions has been quite rapid during the previous five years. Low-income persons, on the other hand, have a substantially lower mobile adoption rates. Corporations are attempting to investigate the 'Bottom of the Pyramid' sector of low-income individuals due to the approaching exhaustion and intense rivalry of industries on the top sides of the socio - economic ladder. To investigate the BOP marketplace for cellphones, one must first understand the elements that influence cellphones usage at the BOP. With regard to the actual research on user acceptance, our research investigates these aspects. With 266 reliable information pieces, a logical approach is constructed and evaluated. The suggested methodology is put to the test using hierarchical linear modelling. According to the findings, 'achievement expectation,' 'hedonic motivation,' and 'reported amount of money' all had a beneficial influence on the 'facilitating conditions' of using cellphones at BOP. The effects of ‘smartphone anxiety' and ‘smartphone personality' on 'facilitating conditions' have been discovered.
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Professor, Department of Management Science, Tecnia Institute of Advanced Studies, Delhi, India (sandeeprk07@rediffmail.com)
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