Volume- 5
Issue- 3
Year- 2018
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Dr. Himani Singhal , Dr. Shivi Mittal
This study aims to investigate the factors contributing towards entrepreneurial intention among the professional students of Delhi and National Capital Region (NCR). An attempt has been made to analyze and identify the factors influencing the entrepreneurial intention of these students. A sample of 940 students was taken from professional courses through a well structured questionnaire. Statistical techniques such as averages, percentages and regression were performed to analyze the data. Results revealed that there exists a significant relationship between attitudinal factor (r = 0.747) and behavioral factor (r = 0.550) towards entrepreneurial intention. Further, it was found that attitudinal factor and behavioral factor lays direct impact towards entrepreneurial intention.
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Assistant Professor DMS, G.L Bajaj, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
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