Volume- 1
Issue- 1
Year- 2014
Dr.Sandeep Gupta , Arun Pratap Srivastava, Dr. Shashank Awasthi
Fast and effective search of personal names in an international environment uses concepts of approximate string matching and applies them to special case of finding ‘close’ or ‘similar’ names, to an input name, from a large database of names. Such ProperName-Approximate matching finds applications in situations where a user is unsure of how a person’s name is spelled, such as in a telephone directory search system or a library search system where a user wishes to search books on an author’s name. In this Paper we examine this problem in two main aspects: How to organize data efficiently, so as to obtain relevant results quickly, and how to develop suitable search techniques which would rank results suitably. We suggest four new data organization techniques to replace the current standard technique, Soundex, and we suggest refinements to the currently available search techniques. We then assess the performance of the developed techniques and compare them against the currently available ones.
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Department. of CSE, Noida Institute of Engg. Technology, Greator Noida, India
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