Vijaypal Singh , Sunny Chauhan, Markandey Tiwari , Jai Vikrant
To protect our data from being misused we need to secure our information. To secure data there are various encryption algorithms available. In this we Divide our data in 3 parts and encrypt the data using 3 Different encryption algorithms . After this a key is generated which is used as a secret key for decryption. The Cipher Text and Key is given to the recipient through which they can decrypt the message.
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V. Singh, S. Chauhan, M. T. , J. Vikrant,
"Secure Data Storage Using Hybrid Cryptography", International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Management (IJIREM), Vol-5, Issue-6, Page No-249-250, 2018. Available from:
Corresponding Author
Vijaypal Singh
Department of computer science & Engg, G L Bajaj Institute of Technology & Management, Gr Noida, India