Volume- 3
Issue- 1
Year- 2016
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MAMMERI Abdelouahab
The financial markets manage the supply of bank funds has resulted in the collapse of those markets cracked the economy in various countries of the world and prejudice Bhetwasenh and stability and could lead to the risk of entering into a financial crisis. Here become predictable financial crises presents itself strongly to avoid the latter risk, and perhaps one of the tell-tale impending financial crisis indicators, we find the problem of liquidity and insolvency and the deterioration of the international exchange rates, the sharp rise in interest rates, slowing the performance of the global economy, increasing domestic fiscal deficit, low value of the currency, .. Attic and this will be our study to analyze these indicators and how to exploit the efficiency of financial markets to prevent the occurrence of any financial or banking or economic crises in the future.
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Laboratory of Study Economics & Development Local In South west of Algeria Department of Economics, University of Bechar, Algeria
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