Volume- 5
Issue- 2
Year- 2018
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MRS. Saraswathi V , Rohit A UG Student, , Sakthivel S, Sandheep T J
In this paper, we investigate the design of a water level sensor device that is able to detect and control the level of water in a certain water tank or water Lorries. The system firstly senses the amount of water available in the tank by the level detector part and then adjusts the state of the water pump in accordance to the water level information There has been wastage of water daily through the pipeline leakages due to it full water were never arrived to the taps. The existing system are still lacking abilities to detect accurate estimation of water leakage in water lorries .The aims are to perform a small-scale study of existing pipeline leakage detection system, to develop a real-time prototype pipeline leakage alert system and to validate the proposed prototype through experimentation. Mobile phone can be configured as the alerts transmitter of the system to the user in cases water leaks.
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Asst Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, S.A. Engineering College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
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