Volume- 7
Issue- 4
Year- 2020
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T. Srajan Kumar , V. Indrani , D. Swaroopa
Raft Consensus is an algorithm designed as an update to paxos. It was proposed in a way such that it is more understandable than paxos by means of separation of states, but it also formally proven protected and carries some additional features. Raft approach for distributed consensus by a leader in which cluster has one and only elected leader which is fully responsible for managing log value on the other servers of the cluster. It means that the leader has privilege to decide on new entries placement and establishment of data flow between it and the other servers without consulting. Raft provides a universal way to share nodes across a cluster of computing systems, ensuring that every node in the cluster set upon the same series of transaction.
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Department of CSE, JNTUH/Vignan Institute of Management and Technology for Women, Hyderabad, India teralasrajankumar@gmail.com
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