International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering and Management
Year: 2020, Volume: 7, Issue: 3
First page : ( 16) Last page : ( 24)
Online ISSN : 2350-0557.
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Dr. K. R. Subramanian
Management of industrial enterprises at the present time needs the blood of a new youth flowing through its veins. It is full of new ideas and a new found enthusiasm. Management practice is being overhauled, both from the scientific and from the ethical points of view. Its performances are being measured against the standards set as a result of scientific analysis; on the one hand and on the other, the standards established by a reinvigorated social conscience. Both as a productive and profitable enterprise and as a social trust, it is discovering fresh heights to scale, and, with the energy born of new vision. Management is branching out in this direction in pursuit of a theory and some principles, in the hope of finding some pathway to follow at the cross roads. From my experiences as a professor in management it bothers me to find that few students fully understand what management involves. I also find that many students who have aspirations to pursue the management career have little knowledge of the demands placed on managers and of the scope of their responsibilities. They focus more on the tools of management than on the thinking processes required to manage for both the short term profitability and long term gain of being a social trust.[1]
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3. _Trust_Modeling_and_Management_from_Social_T rust_to_Digital_Trust
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6. _Trust_Management_Issues_in_SocialMedia_Marketing
7. Note: (Web references are covered in the part A)
Professor of Management & Senior Consultant - Operations,
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