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The Influence of the Regional and Income Classification Variation on the Background Parameters of Peace Index Score

Subhajeet Singh Sardar, Mridul Mandal, Barun Kumar Maje, Dr. Subhasis Bhattachary

Vol-10  Issue-6  December  2023

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The Influence of the Regional and Income Classification Variation on the Background Parameters of Peace Index Score

Subhajeet Singh Sardar, Mridul Mandal, Barun Kumar Maje, Dr. Subhasis Bhattachary

Vol-10  Issue-6  December  2023

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No. of Downloads: 58 | No. of Views: 2677

The Influence of the Regional and Income Classification Variation on the Background Parameters of Peace Index Score

Subhajeet Singh Sardar, Mridul Mandal, Barun Kumar Maje, Dr. Subhasis Bhattachary

Vol-10  Issue-6  December  2023

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No. of Downloads: 58 | No. of Views: 2677

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