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Fluid Flow Analysis of Concentric Heat Exchanger with Different Nano Fluids and Mass Flow Rates

G. Kondaiah , G. E. Babu, K. Venkateswarlu

Vol-9  Issue-5  October  2022

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Fluid Flow Analysis of Concentric Heat Exchanger with Different Nano Fluids and Mass Flow Rates

G. Kondaiah , G. E. Babu, K. Venkateswarlu

Vol-9  Issue-5  October  2022

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Crash Analysis of Bumper Assembly with Solver to Improvise the Design for Impact Tests

Yarram Srinivasa Reddy, G. Kondaiah, Ganesh Naidu Gopu, K. Venkateswarlu, A. Prudhvi Krishna

Vol-9  Issue-3  June  2022

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